Bilal begins his day 7 blog by enthusing about the energy in the galley. He reflects back on the previous day's class criticism, and apologises for being outside of the actual space while he conducted his end of session class in another room. He notes that on returning to the room it is a mess, as the result of over a thousand paint balls being expended over the last day.
Within the gallery space he points out the surfaces are covered with yellow paint and the remains of the vinyl shells that comprised the paint balls. As result of this barrage, all the plexiglas shields that he had constructed to provide some protection were broken. He then turns his camera onto a lamp, which has been badly damaged by repeated rounds of paintballs fired at it. As with almost all the videos during the performance the repeated crack of the paintball gun firing can be heard. Bilal says " today is clean up day" but notes he must still be aware of the gun as it tracks him.
Bilal mentions that a friend has brought him towels to help clean up the paint strewn space. He gets down on his hands and knees and begins wiping away paint from the floor. A shot rings out and he notes that it was "right over" his head. At this point he stops recording saying he will update the video later.
The video resumes the Bilal saying te clean up is almost done and he goes on to introduce susan orinkoCK over whose help he enthuses. She appears, and says a few words encouraging conversation over gunplay with Bilal. He explains that she lives above the gallery and is very excepting of the constant sound of the paintball gun. She says it' Ok because her loss of sleep "is for art". Bilal then stops the camera for another break.
When the video resumes, Bilal says it is still day seven, at about 9 O'clock. He explains he is repairing the gun again, but has left the camera operating so as not to "deny access" to the "watchers". He goes on to say he did not consider the need to maintain the gun or to clean the space which he describes a "disaster" as he pans the camera across the paint covered room. He then says it is both figuratively a disaster due to the mess, but also a disaster as everything was breaking down. He shows a part of the gun in his hand as he breaks again.
On his forth segment of the day, Bilal says he will replace the gun, but leave the camera on. On the fifth segment, he seems to have begun replacing the gun and after two more brief clips, he announces the gun is again functioning. He explains he is about to do somethging, but the clip ends before he can continue.
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