1. Footnote

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Youtube Video The Paint Ball Project Day 9

The blog post begins with Bilal still in bed. He says it is hard to wake up and the gun is still firing over his head. He said he had started to be bothered and to become agitated by "it" which I took to mean the performance the performance.

He noted the pace had been quite steady for the previous two days, but usually the pace varies with peak periods at certain times of the day.

People asked on the chat asked where he was. They even demanded he stand or move so thy could see him. He responded that it is his home and was to explore the experience of living under  threat.He did not want to "play silly games".

Bilal asks for continued support. This is especially relevant as he notes the expense of paintballs and gas for the gun, as well as it's maintenance.

As he gets up he is wary of being shot. He says he is bothered by how everything is being trashed. He had noticed his favourite table lamp had been destroyed.

As he moves around he remarks that when he moves around the volume of fire increases. He is almost hit and castigates himself for being careless in the line of fire and for not covering his eyes with his goggles. As the video ends, he goes into another part of th gallery to get a cup of tea.

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