1. Footnote

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Youtube video- The Paint Ball Project day 26

Bilal greets his audience at about one o'clock in th e afternoon  with about 125 people logged on. He says about 36 people are doing "left action" turning the gun into the left corner of the space. He says that this action had come to be called "Virtual human shield" in the chat room. This prevents people from shooting at him. It had frustrated many people. Bilal says he will not interfere with the gun, whether it is pointed towards him or away. If it is just pressing the button, then it is part of the performance vs a coding trick, like the early days on the project when MIT students hacked the server and fired the paintball gun like a machine gun.

The action had reduced the rate of fire. The additional chat room activity Bilal describes as pleasant.

When he returns, he mentions it is abouit three in the afternoon. He notes he has gained a lot of weight. He found he was eating constantly perhaps from depression, as well as gaining weight from lack of exercise.

he also mentions that additonal paint balls would be delivered, with his supply running out.

When he returns he said that their is less firing and more chat and more of the virtual human shield or "turning left". He introduces a visitor, Beverly Nelson and found the performance online on Memorial day and said she entered a chat room for the first time and discovered she could turn the gun away from Bilal. She compliments me for his passion and endurance as he uses performance art "to make a statement". She thanks wafaa and those "clicking to the left." Bilal thanks her then chokes up. he clears his throat as he says "it is another act of the community" that warms his heart. "It gives me hope" He says then signs off until later in the day.

In the next segment, he continues interviewing Nelson. she brings him clean socks, M&M's and hot sauce. Nelson chuckles as she says she noticed he had one white sock and one black sock when she watched him via the internet. He says he hadn't noticed that he was wearing mis-matched socks. He notes how privacy has gone and he wants to call attention to that. As he signs off for the day, Bilal notes how happy he is "to be part of this community".


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