1. Footnote

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Youtube Video- The paintball project day 16

The video begins in what Bilal calls a "quiet time- like the evening". He stumbles over his words as he mentions that they have over 250 people on the site at that moment but he suspects the server has crashed. He suggests this may have been a deliberate attempt at creating a denial-of-service attack by overwhelming the server or just due to an increasing awareness drawing traffic to the site.

He mentions two health concerns- a "heaviness" in the chest  that he thought might be due to either paint fumes or stress. The other problem is a feeling of physical weakness that he describes as growing day by day. As he says he "felt better yesterday" his monologue is interrupted by a spasm of coughing. He says it is probably due to a lack of sleep and stress.

he continues on to say that he is "beginning to hate yellow" as he looks back towards the walls covered with yellow paint spatters from the thousands of paint balls. He says he now hates the sound of the paintballs. He says he knows it is day sixteen and he is counting down towards the completion of the performance but expresses "Hope that he can continue" and so complete the work.

Bilal then uses the camera to present the damage to the room and its contents. The irregular horizontal band of yellow paint is clearly visible, and the floor seems strewn with spent paint balls. As Bilal gets down on his knees to show the audience under the bed he mentions that even though the server is down, sometimes it will randomly function, allowing a paintball to be fired. the result of the number paintballs has created a large pool of paint that trickles down the wall and across the floor.

The walls show significant damage from repeated paintball hits and the bed is splattered by paint balls rupturing on the walls and other targets. Bilal says again he doesn't mind the quiet but shows the gun is still moving slightly. He then says he will go down in the basement so he will avoid both colour and the paintball gun. He says he will go a try and get some rest. He notes he doesn't need the safety goggles as he leaves the performance piece, suggesting he now considered it normal to wear them.

We follow him as he descends into the gallery basement and finds a place to lie down, which he does with a groan, and signs off. He returns saying he can hear the gun. He says he hates the unpredictable nature of the gun"not knowing when it is going to go off". As he is saying this, we hear the distant crack of the paintball gun. Bilal rubs his face with his hand and turns off the camera, ending the day with out a sign-off

What does "performance" mean when you occupy a space as a residence?

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